The Ziigwan Kit has been created to help language learners master vocabulary and phrases in Anishinaabemowin around the season of Spring.
You can watch and listen to Gitigaadan! read by Wejepibines Edward Atatise Jr.
Follow along, repeat after Wejepibines, and enjoy listening to the story.
Use these large traceable images to practice fine motor skills, or laminate and use them for play-doh mats!
Print this activity sheet for your learners to cut and paste the correct Anishinaabemowin labels onto the plant.
Cut out these flowers and leaves while using the vocabulary provided for an interactive counting activity for your learners.
This sequencing activity is a fitting follow-up activity to reading Gitigaadan! Learners can put the growth cycle of a flower in four simple steps.
Print this search and find activity for your learners, or use it as a simple colouring sheet. Offered in two sizes!
This tracing booklet is a fun, fine-motor skills activity that is easy to complete and send home to families for more language practice!
Nanaboozhoo idash Nikag
Read the story in Anishinaabemowin with English translations provided.
Print, laminate, and use these manipulatives to retell the story to learners, or have them retell the story to you!
Print and distribute these colouring pages to help learners identify the 5Ws in the story
Have learners put the images into the right sequence and retell the story.
Listen to the story being told by Kelvin Morrison:
Ininaatig igaye Manijooshag
Read the story in Anishinaabemowin with English Translations
Read the story in English with key Anishinaabemowin words.
Print, laminate, and use these manipulatives to retell the story to learners, or have them retell the story to you!
Listen to the story being told by Rose Marie Tuesday.
Bizindan & Nagamon
This song encourages learners to sing about working in the Sugar Bush!
This song is written & sung by Maajiigwaneyaash – Gordan Jourdain from Lac La Croix First Nation.
It was turned into a video by our colleagues at Kahwá:tsire Indigenous-Led Child & Family Programs
Check out these other great resources from instructors and learners across Anishinaabe territory.